25+ advance and 3D Carousel layout and plugins 2023
Boutique Carousel
A unique customizable jQuery image slider with perspective and smooth interactions.
Simply link to the JavaScript and CSS files and apply it to your HTML element like other jQuery plugins. Customize the settings and CSS to match your style and purpose.
Full documentation and examples included.
Please check the FAQ before purchasing.
Unlimited scrolling
Unlimited number of images
14 Example styles/usages out of the box
Fluid width (suitable for responsive layouts)
Optional headers
Optional description text
Optional hyperlink
Optional autoplay (paused on mouse-over)
Keyboard support
Lightbox support
Right-to-left language support
Multiple instances per page
Uninterupted navigation (try quickly tapping the ar
Theta Carousel 3D
Teta Carousel 3D is a jQuery plug-in that helps you quickly and easily organize your content in 3D space. The plug-in supports responsive layout with the auto scaling capability and is just perfect for displaying content on all screen sizes.
The carousel is very flexible – almost everything can be configured to your liking, from objects’ motion path to the motion physics.
A highly intuitive design of the Configurator is another advantage that brings clarity to the configuration process from the very first minute of use.
Equipped with Teta, you are not limited to just moving objects in parabolic or elliptical motion path – try out other options: spiral, cubic parabola, and line. Plus, you can also define your own motion path for obje
Advanced Carousel Blog Layout Design
Advanced Carousel Blog Layout Design
Advanced Blog Carousel Layout Builder is an additional function of the Blog Layout Awesome WordPress plugin, which allows you to have more customization options and Carousel layout optimization.Unique animation of hover shows an animation where the blog information section rises to the top to shift the image’s position, looking stunning together with a rectangular Carousel style.
Advanced Carousel Portfolio Builder Features:
Custom Post Type
Blog Filter
Load More Pagination
Infinite scroll pagination
Category display Blog
Center Pagination Align
Left Pagination Align
Right Pagination Align
Customized Pagination Load More Text Color
Ultimate 3D Carousel
What is Ultimate 3D Carousel
Ultimate 3D Carousel is a fully 3D multimedia carousel slider that allows to display multimedia content with an unique original layout from a 3D perspective. It’s perfect for any kind of presentation, for anyone that wants to deliver a great impact to thier visitors.
Ultimate 3D Carousel main features:
Powerful Options – The most advanced and featured packed 3D carousel in the world!
Responsive Layout – Fully responsive and adaptable regardless of which device is used.
Vector & Graphics Skins – Choose between the vector skin or graphics/.png skin, video tutorial.
Global Audio & Video – Multiple video & audio formats can be played in the carousel and lightbox.
Multiple Categories –
Niso Carousel - Advance Carousel Box
Niso carousel is a super modern with unlimited options WordPress plugin.
Niso carousel is a carousel Box.This means that the carousel box, you will get all type of carousel in this carousel Box.
Niso Carousel is one of the most user friendly WordPress plugin.You can create unlimited carousel with lots of options by Niso Carousel.
Niso Carousel updated with caption carousel and lots of new options.
Niso Carousel admin panel 9 items carousel in on plugin
These carousel waiting for you
Post carousel.
Product carousel.
Service carousel
Portfolio carousel.
Testimonial carousel.
Team carousel.
Image carousel.
Caption Slider.
Video carousel.
Lots of style for every carousel.
PhotoStore Minimal Carousel
PhotoStore Minimal Carousel has been constructed in accordance with the Usability and Accesibility, with very little use of javascript.
• Template has been tested with major browsers
• Valid HTML and CSS
• The displaying of the template is identical in all browsers.
• There is no inline style for better performance
• 8 different standard colors (easily changeable)
• jQuery Carousel
• jQuery FancyBox
• jQuery StyleSwitch
• jQuery Toggle
For any questions please contact me.
Theta Carousel 3D WP
Best rated* jQuery carousel on CodeCanyon.net from now on in your WordPress!
* As of October 2019 – Theta Carousel 3D is the best rated JavaScript slider on CodeCanion.
Now the whole power and flexibility of this carousel is harness in absolutely intuitive WordPress plugin.
Just a few clicks and you have it in your WP post. Check out our video to see how simple the designer is.
Theta Carousel 3D
is a WordPress plug-in that helps you quickly and easily organize your content in 3D space.
The plug-in supports responsive layout with the auto scaling capability and is just perfect for displaying content on all screen sizes.
SolCarousel - jQuery Carousel Plugin
SolCarousel is a responsive jQuery plugin that helps you show off your products, posts or contents into a sleek and modern carousel.
SolCarousel is well designed, built from scratch and gives you some unique features.
You can easily integrate it in your project and deliver faster to your customers.
Key Features:
This is not a WordPress Plugin. SolCarousel is a jQuery based plugin.
Take a minute to
see it
by yourself
Have a
pre-purchase question to be sure that it’s suitable for you?
Then please send us a quick message via our
profile contact form.
Elementor Post Carousel Builder
Elementor Post Carousel Builder By Envomart
Note : Please use Carousel (New) Widget.
Post Carousel By Envomart has easily customizable options to create unlimited design possibilities for your Carousel Design with Elementor page builder. The Post Carousel plugin is developer friendly with the option to extend the feature with filter and actions. The Post Carousel plugin allows you to create the carousel for any custom post types and place any WordPress Custom field, Custom taxonomy, Shortcodes and ACF custom field in it. The carousel is mobile friendly.
Portfolio Carousel
Listing Carousel
Service Carousel
Logo Carousel
Medical Services Carousel
Custom Post Carousel
Music Album Carousel
Movie Carousel
Art Carousel
Super Carousel - Responsive Wordpress Plugin
Super Carousel – WordPress Carousel Slider Plugin
Create WordPress carousel slider from Blog Post, YouTube, RSS Feeds, Team, Testimonial, Logo, Flickr Images, Recent Tweets.
Super Carousel is a multi-purpose responsive WordPress image and content carousel plugin. That has own image and content management system and also supports Post, Custom Post, Taxonomy, Custom Taxonomy, YouTube, RSS Feeds and Flickr. The inbuilt template system, filters and actions make the customization easy.
It’s even easier to put images of different height together so the width is dynamic with fixed height so that your site looks pretty.
Truly Responsive Carousel
This carousel is fully responsive having different settings for different resolutions. For
Advanced Carousel Portfolio Builder
Advanced Carousel Portfolio Builder is a Functional add-on for Portfolio Builder WordPress plugin. Includes carousel options such as arrow and dot navigation, more carousel layout and unique carousel, more hover effect and loading animations for Portfolio Builder Awesome.
Advanced Carousel Portfolio Builder Features
More Carousel Styles
Unique Carousel Styles
More Carousel Options
More Hover Styles
More Arrow Styles
More Dot Styles
= 1.0.0 =
* Initial Release
Responsive Posts Carousel WordPress Plugin
Responsive Posts Carousel is a lightweight and powerful WordPress Plugin that lets you display Posts, Gallery Images, WooCommerce Products, and all other custom post types in a touch-enabled carousel/slider. You can choose from 50+ ready to use templates and can customize them as per your need using the Live Template Editor. There are a bunch of settings and options available to create your awesome post slider in just minutes. You can create almost all types of sliders including ShowCase, Vertical Slider, Multi-Row Slider, etc. The number of columns for sliders can be defined separately for each device (Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile) and Equal Height mode makes your slides more beautiful and symmetrical. The custom image size can also be sele
Ultimate 3D Carousel Wordpress Plugin
What is Ultimate 3D Carousel
Ultimate 3D Carousel is a fully 3D multimedia carousel slider that allows to display multimedia content with an unique original layout from a 3D perspective. It’s perfect for any kind of presentation, for anyone that wants to deliver a great impact to thier visitors.
Ultimate 3D Carousel main features:
Powerful Options – The most advanced and featured packed 3D carousel in the world!
Responsive Layout – Fully responsive and adaptable regardless of which device is used.
Vector & Graphics Skins – Choose between the vector skin or graphics/.png skin, video tutorial.
Global Audio & Video – Multiple video & audio formats can be played in the carousel and lightbox.
Multiple Categories –
Post Carousel For Elementor
Key Features
User friendly design
19 unique layouts
Customize build query
beautiful Image effect
Set Custom font for title ,category ,description and meta
Set title effect
Set overlay effect
Carousel Options
Change Logs:
Version 1.1.1 Release Date 10.13.2020
* Fixed query
Version 1.1.0 Release Date 10.05.2020
Fixed Compatible with latest version of Elementor
Version 1.0 Release Date 09.16.2019
WordPress Logos Showcase - Grid and Carousel
Logos Showcase WordPress plugin contains 4 versions: Grid, Carousel (one by one), Carousel (Group) and Perspective. The last 3 versions have 2 skins: black & white. It allows you to easily display on your website: logos, clients, partners, sponsors, brands, portfolio items… you name it.
IF YOU NEED ONLY THE JQUERY PLUGIN FOR THIS PRODUCT, YOU CAN DOWNLOAD IT FROM HERE: http://codecanyon.net/item/logos-showcase-pro-grid-carousel-perspective/6081010
Installation – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0DH3T0LN5E
Plugin Settings and Playlist Overview – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSDwjV02EcU
How To Create a Grid Showcase – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAFo-o9eOXg
How To Create a Carousel (Group) Showcase – http://www.youtu
Carousel - jQuery
- based on Jquery and works on mobile devices ( IPhone, iPad etc )
- touch navigation support for mobile device
- you can add a redirect for each photo (blank or self)
- Any size images
- carousel works well in theme responsive and standard theme
- you can disable / enable reflecion
- you can change the speed
- you can enable automatic rotation to the right or left
- and other..
Visit my website – www.flashmaniac.net
FlipBook v7 – WordPress Plugin
FlipBook v6 – WordPress Plugin
XML Flip Book v7
Responsive FlipBook v5 – jQuery
FlipBook v5 – WordPress Plugin
XML FlipBook v6
XML FlipBook – Bundle
WordPress and html5 Business TheSame Template
Professional Photographer Portfolio
PrestaShop Reviews Carousel
Trust in store – it’s a part of e-commerce where you need to be very careful. With our module you can display reviews added by default PrestaShop module productcomments. This simple module allows you to display reviews on homepage in carousel.
This is a good plugin for stores with many reviews, where you need to show customers how good products you are offering.
With this module sure you increase confidence in your store.
Support details
We offer customer support through our ticket support service. In order to use this service you will need to register with your Item Purchase Code. This is available from your downloads section on Envato.
Be sure to check out our faq’s section we may already have an
Social Stream for WordPress With Carousel
WooCommerce Login – Registration Popup Plugin
Main Features
Available in Visual Composer Addon Visual Composer – Social Streams
Responsive Feed Layout.
3 Style Available( Grid / List)
Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Google Plus Feed
Custom background Color and hover background color
Infinite scroll: load more content simply by scrolling to the bottom of the page.
Mixed Feed Available.
Sort Filter By Date
Customize Front Colors
Combine content from Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Google Plus and YouTube!
Choose from expert-designed templates or customize fonts, colors, backgrounds, and more.
Custom Feed Grid Layouts. (1 Columns,2 Columns,3 Column
Everslider - Responsive jQuery Carousel Plugin
Responsive Retina-Ready CSS3 Content Carousel Plugin
Everslider is fully responsive, mobile optimized jQuery carousel plugin. It uses CSS3 transitions for animations with fallback to jQuery. Supports unlimited slides with any content. Everslider recognizes touchswipe, mousewheel and keyboard interactions and works in vast range of browsers starting with IE7 up to mobile browsers.
Fully responsive and mobile friendly
Retina-ready controls (PSD included)
Hardware CSS3 transitions with fallback to jQuery
Works in IE7+ and on Android and iPhone
Keyboard and mousewheel support
Drag and touchswipe support
Three carousel modes + autoplay (ticker)
More than 30 configuration options
API and callbacks
Unlimited slides that can have any content