BMI Calculator Flutter

BMI Calculator 💪

Our Goal

The objective of this tutorial is to look at how we can customise Flutter Widgets to achieve our own beautiful user interface designs. If you have a designer on board, no matter how unconventional their designs are, we can create them using Flutter.

What you will create

We’re going to make a Body Mass Index Calculator inspired by the beautiful designs made by Ruben Vaalt. It will be a multi screen app with simple functionality but full-on custom styling.

Finished App

This is a companion project to The App Brewery's Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp, check out the full course at

• Released: Sep 09, 2019, 09:28 PM

BMI Calculator Flutter

Author: pidwid
Item was Featured Author was Featured
Beautiful, well designed BMI calculator, by taking design idea from dribble and learning to code in Flutter bootcamp of LondonAppBrewery. size
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