Wedding Invitation

Files from my Wedding Invitation

This project contains design files which I used to create my wedding invitation.

Folder Structure

  • /src - Contains the source for the JavaScript file that I used in my invitation
  • /design - The original design files (PSD, ai etc)
  • /final - The final files which I used for printing.


The following blog posts explain the design process that I used for creating my wedding invitation


The source code and the design files are released under "THE BEER-WARE" license.

I would, however, consider it a great courtesy if you could email me and tell me about your project and how this code was used, just for my own continued personal gratification :)

• Released: Sep 17, 2016, 03:39 PM

Wedding Invitation

Author: sudar
Item was Featured Author was Featured
Design files of my wedding invitation size
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