Youtube Downloader

Youtube Video Downloader

Using Flask Framework and pytube library for Python

Setting up Modules and Keys

  • Install Flask by typing the following command on terminal - sudo pip install flask
  • Install pytube - sudo pip install pytube
  • Create the desired frontend and link the backend script.

Running the application

  • Run the python script
  • Now open - http://localhost:5000 on your browser
  • The application is displayed.

Steps to use the application.

  1. Paste the url of the desired youtube video in the form.
  2. Hit "Submit" button.
  3. Now, the list of all the available quality formats are visible to be chosen from.
  4. Select the desired video quality.
  5. Enter the path in your pc where video should be saved.
  6. Hit "Download".
  7. You will be directed to another page when the video will be downloaded completely.

  8. If the URL entered doesn't belong to, then a pop-up message appears displaying -"Invalid URL".

    If none of the radio button is selected then a pop-up message appears displaying -"Please select an Option to download". If the saving path is not specified than a pop-up meassage appears displaying -"Please enter a valid destination path to save file".

    The animation appears to emphasize that downloading is in process.

    The video has been downloaded.

• Released: Jan 24, 2020, 06:02 PM

Youtube Downloader

Author: akshayraghav
Item was Featured Author was Featured
A python-flask based web app that downloads video from youtube. size
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